The Third my-VITA Award

Since our REVEAL conference in Dublin in 2013 we have invited young and innovative projects to present their concepts and approaches to an international expert audience.

Since then approximately 100 projects and initiatives applied for the my-VITA award.

On Thursday afternoon the stage was again open to exceptional projects and approaches in the field from Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece, Belgium and Germany.


This is a start-up initiated by Trendhuis in Belgium.

It supports 1-6 months international internships for students and post-graduates from Europe India and China.

The programme has a strong focus on focus on CSR (corporate social responsibility) and comes with a LEVEL5 competence validation.

European School of Difference

The ESD project is coordinated by Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam, the house of art and culture, freedom and friendhsip.

ESD aims to merging theory and practice-based learning towards a more inclusive society.

The project promotes the Europe-wide debate about togetherness and belonging, bringing together academia and third sector organisations in 3 Peer Exchange Platform (PEP) conferences.


The Plus of SOcial-COmmunicative-COmpetencies is a draft start-up of a team of three German Master Students  at the University of Duisburg Essen in one of the first graduate courses on VINFL in Europe.

The SOCOCO+ team has developed a system to promote the acquisition and assessment of social and personal competences in entreprises with a holistic learning and validation approach.

Download the presentation of Anne-Marie Spengler, Jana Gerling and Philip Schmengler!


RADAR stands for "Regulating AntiDiscrimination and AntiRacism" and it is an ERASMUS+ project coordinated by the  UNIVERSITA’ DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA and Key & Key communications.

It has developed a course to provide law enforcement officials and legal professionals with the necessary tools, mainly through open training activities, aimed at facilitating the identification of ‘racial’ motivated hate communication, based on the GINCO quality criteria including LEVEL5 validation of competences.

Download the poster of RADAR by Gabriella M. Klein and Koffi Dossou!


This project from Hans Th. Hjorth, Aarhus Business College, Denmark under the PIU programme sends out Danish undergraduates to internati. Hosts (who are warmely invited to connect to Hans, if interested) get a committed young person for one year who tales back the rich professional skills to Denmark.





Drama in Education

Drama in Education is project by Christina Zourna from the 19th Marasleio General School of Thessaloniki.

It is a concept which uses theatre techniques as very efficient training methods that can be applied in various educational contexts.