IMPACT at the Online Educa 2016
Final conference documentation
And the award goes to …
INVITATION to the 7th REVEAL conference
La VITA è bella! – European Award
Training course on the Validation of non-formal and informal learning in Peniche, Portugal
IMPACT partners at the 6th REVEAL conference in Mechelen
After a nice partner meeting in the historic castle of Alden Biesen, where one of the IMPACT partners is located, the partnership used the occasion to jointly participate in the 6th European conference of the REVEAL Network, which represents Validation experts from all over Europe. The conference took place in the framework of the PROVIDE project and was held on Sept. 17th and 18th in the nearby town of Mechelen.
REVEAL is the Research and Evaluation Group for Validating, Evaluating and Assessing Informal and Non-formal Learning represented in 20 European member states. REVEAL owns the LEVEL5 validation system, which is used in IMPACT too.
You reach the conference documentation by following this link.
Findings of the IMPACT research phase
More than 250 professionals from different fields of education across Europe have taken part in the IMPACT survey and answered the questions.
in addition partners carried out desk researches on the state of implementation of ECVET in their countries and interviewed experts from the field.
Our Greek partner Georgios Zarifis from the Aristotle University in Thessaloniki has analysed the data and created a presentation which highlights the main findings.
Have a look here: impact-stocktaking-results
Invitation to participate in the IMPACT online survey
IMPACT is a research and development project that analyses web-supported learning and teaching in connection with the validation of learning outcomes. It aims at understanding how educational professionals use web-based learning environments and Open Educational Resources (OER) as well as approaches and instruments for validation of learning outcomes in their practice. The project aims at creating a holistic learning and validation environment and interfaces between existing web-based learning and validation instruments. This system shall be developed based on the feed-back and the requirements from practice – therfore we highly appreaciate your input and expertise. You may participate and support us on different levels:
- Answer the questionnaire.
- Take part in the My VITA Award about innovative approaches connecting competence based learning and validation.
- Register to an individual or focus group interview in connection with the IMPACT webinar.
The online survey at hand consists of 4 parts: Introduction and demographic data; Utilisation of web-supported learning environments and OER; Validation of learning outcomes and connection to web-based learning, Establishment of a web-based validation instrument to connect learning assessment and validatio.
It will take you approximately 15 min to complete it and it will be open for answers until June.The results will be published here in August 2015.
Thanks a lot for your committment! Your IMPACT team
IMPACT kick-off meeting
In February 2015 the IMPACT partners met for the first time in Alden Biesen, Belgium to discuss how the ambitious programme of the project can be brought to practice. The acronym stands for “IT based Methodology for Promoting, Assessing and validating Competence oriented learning and Training”
The project consortium consists of ten European institutions from Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Germany. They share the goal to develop methodologies to foster and validate competence oriented learning and e-learning in different sectors of education and to give credit to learners through competence validation. IMPACT will promote validation as future tool in qualifications and CPD in VET and for courses for educational professionals of the Comenius and Grundtvig community.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.